Monday, July 18, 2011


This is one of my favorites!

A nice tune to start the day!
I remember when I was in elementary school, having field day. It was a day where us students played games and celebrated physical activity all day. Guess what!... They do that here too! Yep, we had field day at Anyang JungAng Elementary. I was instructed to wear athletic clothes and shoes. I had no problem with that. It was a lot of fun. The day started with a song played by the whole school on the recorder which was followed by a nice warm up consisting of none other than the national sport of Korea..Taekwondo. And then to get the celebration off right, they released balloons that contained an origami swan. The swan had the dreams written of each student on it. Of course there was a swan for each grade/class. It was a really neat thing to experience. The rest of the day consisted of many games directed towards grade levels. Running was the core activity. Wow, these kiddos can run.

Like I said, both the USA and Korea have field days, but the games played are a little different. There was one game which was similar to pinata. The students had to throw little balls at a big ball until they broke it. They raced against another team. Surprisingly, the large balls were nearly impossible to break. But with a little persuasion from an adult they budged and set free some candy, confetti and balloons. Another part of field day I found very interesting was a display of pictures and art made by students. It was a great break from the field to take a glance into the lives and minds of these young athletes and dreamers that I call my students!

What is a athlete without their protein and bokki? Well, I don't know, but I do know there was plenty of this food to go around. I even got a unwanted taste of some delicate pig intestine. A student of mine came up to me and held this black thing on a stick near my mouth, as I opened my mouth to say a kind no, he slipped it right in. I was unable to chew it all the way through so I toughed it out and just swallowed it. At the time I had no idea what it was, then later found out that it was pig intesting. Wonderful ^^ Did you know that this is a heart healthy food for woman to eat after giving birth in Korea. Well you do now!

Another student gave me a surprise I liked a little better. he bought me bokki, which is one of my favs here. It is rice cake in a very spicy sauce! What a nice moment we had eating our delicious bokki together! I wrapped the day up with a story during my weekly story time program and then enjoyed a little more time out on the field. Coming soon...a look into my classroom...or rather a day in the life of Kate as a teacher.

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  1. such fun...minus the pig intestine, yuck.

  2. Can't wait to get a look into your classroom and your life as a teacher! I'm so excited!!!
