Sunday, September 26, 2010

To walk towards something do you have to walk away from something?

Saturday September 18 at 6:00am as I walked towards the security check at OMA Eppley Airfield to board a plane that would be taking me one city closer to my new home.  My mother was right behind me, getting further and further away as I inched toward a future that a year ago could never have been imagined.  As I sat down in the boarding area for my plane I felt alone and terrified!  Suddenly I had a wonderful reunion with a good friend from college who was flying on the same plane as I!  What a comfort and fun experience.  As we chatted away, other bystanders joined in and this would begin the theme of my journey.  I had a three legged flight and changed planes twice.  I had no idea where I was going or how to get there.  Yet, on each flight I made a new friend each from a different place in the world.  It was very neat.  Each person helped me in a specific way get from one plane to another!  It was amazing! 

Flight Schedule


I arrived in Seoul at 3:20pm Sunday the 19th.  I made it through customs and was given a strong welcome!  My baggage was waiting for me at the claim.  I was very excited and relieved to know not only did I make it but so did my luggage!  Hero with HandsKorea picked me up from the airport.  I exchanged my money and rented a phone before departing form the airport.  The adventure of flying is a magnificent one.  Each flight was a success and took me closer to where I need to be.  Of course when you get close to one thing or place you might be getting further away from another.  I am learning that though leaving is hard and I love my family very much, sometimes we are called away from what is comfortable and called to trust something greater than ourselves or others, to surrender more of ourselves and experience a love unlike any other a love that is unconditional and always present.  So.. though I will miss my home and my family, I am embracing the season I am in and that there is one who is always with me, with me wherever I go.                       

Stay tuned for more photos and postings on the adventure of living in an apartment in Korea!

"Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified: do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
- Joshua 1:9


1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you made it safely and had good flights! Your apartment looks cute!
